Welcome to azeriler.de

azeriler.de is a non-commercial Internet-Portal of azerbaijanis in all German speaking countries. The Portal is created in Hamburg, one of the most internationalized cities in Germany. And this is not a coincidence, then mutual understanding is one of the main principles of the Portal. So, azeriler.de would like to invite You to share its society with others, take a look at the world of azerbaijanis in Germany and perhaps find new friends in Your neighbour cities.


You can learn the current agenda of events and forums, which are directly or partially concerned with Azerbaijan under “Haben Sie Gewusst”. If you are informed of some of such events (like azeri concerts or theater plays in Your region, TV or radio programms, political or expert meetings and sport events), which are not stated in our list, just tell us about them and we shall put them in the list.


Find new friends and discuss interesting issues You can on our “Forum”. For those, who want to discuss something new, there is a feature that lets You organize a new topic.


Azerbaijan is in Internet brightly represented. There is a wide range of Internet sites showing the country in different aspects. Azeriler.de has gathered some of the most interesting of them. Visit our “Links” and find a world of Azerbaijan on the web.


The creators of azeriler.de are young Azeris living in different cities, but willing to get together and found, if its possible, a part of Azerbaijan abroad. We are an open team and are ready to hear any critics, suggestions and collaboration ideas from You. Members of the team You can find under “Wir Über Uns”. There, and also here below are our contacts to find. You can get in touch with us simply by mailing to one of our addresses: inquiry mailbox, webmaster or editorials – we promise to answer You promptly.


We wish You much fun and a nice surf with azeriler.de. And please don´t forget, that for all of Your comments, wishes and impressions stays our guestbook “Gästebuch” always at your service.

Contact us: kontakt@azeriler.de,
our Webadministrator or
"Haben Sie Gewußt" - our editorial for current agenda.